Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2016

In front position we say that one of our hands represents war and that the other represents peace. We say that the peace hand covers the war hand because we are people of peace. Our martial art is not about making war or perpetuating violence. Our art is about keeping peace. It’s about keeping an argument from escalating so it doesn’t become a fight. It’s about keeping a misunderstanding from escalating so it doesn’t become an argument. It’s not that martial arts is the solution to all problems in the world (martial arts by itself can’t cure hunger or disease). But martial arts does help people find better versions of themselves. It also helps a community come together. The word “dojo” means “Place of the way” and that meant it was a place where people are taught the “way” or art. One of the most important lessons an instructor learns is that an instructor is actually a tour guide. An instructor’s job isn’t actually to teach the right answer, it’s to help people find the answer that’s right for them. So a dojo isn’t a place where people are taught a way, it is a place where people find their way.