5 New Year’s Resolutions For Martial Artists – 2019 Edition

Where Will The New Year Take You?

The key to achieving your goals to is make them specific and realistic. For example, instead of “I will lose weight,” try, “I will go to the gym at least twice a week.” Find the underlying action needed to achieve the goal, and make that your resolution for the year. We’ve laid out five great New Year’s resolutions for martial artists that can help you reach your physical and mental aspirations in 2019.

Find A New Partner

Different opponents have different fighting styles and will challenge you in different ways. If there’s someone in class you haven’t worked with before, ask them to buddy up. You may even make a new friend!

Try A New Style

This could be as simple as working in an animal style you’re not as comfortable with, or as adventurous as trying an entirely new martial arts discipline. Any lessons you learn from studying outside the box can be transferred to any athletic pursuit.

Cross Train

A strong body makes for a strong martial artist. If your only exercise routine involves your martial arts class, consider working in a session or two of cardio, core work, or weight training.

Challenge Yourself

Ideally, you should be challenging yourself all year long. But, New Year’s is a great time to pick a specific challenge and rise to the occasion. Maybe you want to enter a tournament and compete for the glory of the dojo. Maybe you want to master your side kick. Pick something that will push you outside your comfort zone and go for it!

Self Reflect

While this resolution may seem easy, for some, it is the most difficult on the list. Look back over 2018 to celebrate your accomplishments and learn from your mistakes. It’s important to take time to applaud ourselves and to learn to see our mistakes as learning opportunities and not as stumbling blocks.

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2019? Join the conversation on Facebook.