Last night Master Joan Richert and Master Alan went to the Louisville Marriott Downtown to teach a self-defense class. We had a great group and a lot of fun. We wanted to share this video of some of the class. This is only a little bit of what we covered and unfortunately Master Alan didn’t get any video of Master Joan demonstrating techniques on him (apparently it’s hard to punch in and film at the same time).

There is more to personal protection than punching and kicking. In self-defense classes Master Joan likes to go over additional tools that are just as important. We cover important skills for awareness and share statistics to help people be safer. Plus verbal tools like using an assertive voice or powerful words.

One of the phrases we use over and over in our self-defense classes is Become the Tiger. A tiger doesn’t think that it is small. It isn’t afraid to fight to protect itself or its young. Having the willingness to defend yourself is one of the most important parts of effective self-defense. We have found that having the right image in mind, like becoming a tiger, makes it easier to feel powerful. Sometimes feeling able is all it takes to be willing.

We had a great time with the ladies at the Marriott. In our video we showcase some of the basic strikes and kicks as well as some assertive voice. We were happy to share the class with so many friendly people at such an amazing space. We cannot say enough about how gracious and welcoming the staff at Marriott were and we are excited to see them again soon.