Stop Bullying For The Bullied And The Bully

Unfortunately, bullying is an all-too-real problem for today’s youth. Untold numbers of kids across the country wake up each morning afraid to go to school because of bullying. Oftentimes, the guidance of parents and teachers isn’t enough to stop bullying. Sometimes, intervention by adults can even make things worse.

Martial arts can help stop bullying in ways you may not have considered — not only for children who are the victims of bullying, but for those who perpetrate bullying, as well. That’s because martial arts doesn’t focus only on the physical aspects of training, but on the mental, emotional, and spiritual components, as well.

Martial Arts Boosts Confidence

Knowing how to handle yourself in a dangerous situation makes you feel more confident when standing up for yourself and for others. Children who are on the receiving end of bullying often experience low self-esteem and low confidence. Studying martial arts provides a way for them to regain their sense of self worth. On the other side of the coin, low self-esteem can turn a child toward bullying; so, it follows that if you feel better about yourself, you may not feel the need to put others down.

Martial Arts Teaches Self Control and Responsibility

One of the core teachings at our dojo is that we learn to fight so that we do not have to fight. In fact, the act of “bowing in” has symbolic meaning that communicates “we are people of peace.” Martial arts is self defense — the operative word being “defense.” We do not focus on initiating combat, but on how to response to an attack. As Uncle Ben (or was it Voltaire?) would say, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Martial Arts Teaches Respect

Students of martial arts learn not only self respect, but respect for others. Respect is largely built on trust, and the practice of martial arts requires that practitioners trust each other to not inflict harm. Although it is a contact sport, martial arts is an excellent tool for teaching bodily autonomy and consent.

Martial Arts Teaches Good Sportsmanship

Whether through sanctioned competitions or simply through interactions in class, martial arts encourages students to demonstrate all the tenets of good sportsmanship. The goal is not to compare oneself to others, but to help fellow classmates progress through encouragement and mutual learning. Martial arts helps children discover that everyone has unique talents and abilities that can be applied in all different manners.

Martial Arts Builds Friendships

When children feel alone, it’s a lot easier for bullies to single them out. Conversely, kids who feel alone may attempt to be part of a group by ganging up on another child. Having a strong friend group can deter bullying on both ends of the spectrum. Children get the opportunity to make new friends with kids outside their school and typical environments. The more someone is exposed to people who are different from them, the more tolerant and welcoming they become.

Enroll Your Child

Think your child could benefit from martial arts? Call us at (502) 899-5506 or get in touch through our Facebook page.