No Pain, No Gain? Not In Our Dojo.

You hear personal trainers throw around lots of supposedly inspirational fitness mantras surrounding pain and sacrifice. But are those the words you should live by? We don’t think so. Read on to find out more about the difference between pain and discomfort, how to listen to your body, and why it’s best to let pride take a backseat during your workout routines.

Discomfort vs. Pain

Discomfort and pain are two very different things, although people often confuse the two. Discomfort is natural and expected while working out or training. Pain, on the other hand, is a signal that something has gone wrong. 

Exercise doesn’t feel like a day at the spa. It’s supposed to be a little challenging! Burning sensations, heavy breathing, and exhaustion are all normal and provide feedback that you pushed your body hard, but not to the breaking point. That’s what discomfort is.

Pain is different. Typically, pain is sharp and localized or radiates from a specific point in your body. If you experience actual pain during a workout or training session, stop immediately to let your body rest. If the pain does not subside after a week or more, consider getting medical attention. It is not okay to ignore pain and keep going. That’s how you can seriously injure yourself.

Listening To Your Body

Sometimes, it’s hard to set your ego aside and really listen to your body. Pride gets in the way, or we mistake the signals our bodies are giving us. But, if you want to avoid injury, you need to take time to check in with yourself. If you’re experiencing extreme discomfort that may be bordering on pain, mentally scan your body and look for the following signs:

Did the unpleasant sensation come on all at once?

Was it sharp and stabbing?

Is it localized to one area?

Is my range of motion limited?

Do I feel the sensation in my joints? 

(Muscles are grumpy, and that’s fine. When your joints hurt, it’s cause for concern).

If you can answer “yes” to any of the questions, it’s time to take a break.

Modifying Your Workouts

There is no shame in knowing your limits! Working within your abilities will keep you safe and help you to strengthen your body. At St. Matthews Martial Arts and GoKempo Fitness, we believe that everyone should enjoy the benefits of martial arts and fitness training, regardless of physical limitations or constraints. Every body is different, but everybody can train. 

We can work with you one-on-one to develop a personal training circuit that’s right for you, your body, and your goals. For more information, send us an email or give us a call.